Friday, August 21, 2015

Random Rambling in the mysterious zone of heart

Two things are the biggest levellers (a) Death; and (b) True Love.  Death does not differentiate between the rich and poor, the wise and fool, the beautiful and ugly; so does true love! It simply doesn't differentiate!

Is the constant barrage of memory from the near and distant past a sign of unrequited love? Is there any healing for the wounds inflicted by the unanswered calls of heart? Or does it leave a permanent scar on one’s soul; so deep and so raw as if it were inflicted in the very moment.

What is the quality of true love? Does true love make you protective about your lover? I believe true love, in all shape and form; always have some degree of maternal qualities.

Does absolute, pure, unalloyed, pure and pulsating love exist only within the time frame of split second? Or can it continue for as long as the human heart continues beating tirelessly?

What is selfless love? Is it a reality or figment of one’s imagination? Is it the most beautiful state of mind or the most unjust? Does loving someone selflessly necessarily entail getting sucked into a downward spiral of self-coercion or is it the only way to liberating one-self from self-destruction?

Love is rather a simple phenomenon, the expectations and the consequent illusion makes it complicated.

Does selfless love makes one wise in the matter of heart and unwise otherwise?

The most beautiful quality about love is that it adds so many beautiful colours to the otherwise dreary existence; which, in the absence of love and the longings of heart, would be nothing but a long and dark hell-hole!

If true love is the sign of wise heart, how many millenniums will it take for human race to attain wisdom?

Does love liberates or enslaves? Depends on how selfless it is!